Since it appears, old school, that your position begins with an attack on the aesthetics of the new trifoil we will start with that. The oldschool adidas trifoil, if you can call it that, looks like it got mixed up on the way to the record store with an out of control 16 year old sucking on a bong. Is it suppossed to be a flower? What do flowers have to do with shoes, or clothes for that matter? Worse still is it the
leaves of a weed plant? Maybe the unfortunately named founder, Adolf, was smoking a bit too much when he drew it up in his mom's washroom. You are right Oldy, the old logo is better if you like the specter of white suburban teenagers trying to rap and spell as well as
Chingy. Ah...weed dreams.

In the other corner we have the majestic modern style of the current Adidas logo. Three increasingly rising lines, inspiring us of the
possibilities that can be achieved if we keep working. Aesthetically reminiscent in its clean lines of the fundamental principles of
human elegance, we can take comfort in its gentle push towards excellence. This logo says "adidas will be there for you at the beginning of the climb and at the end, when you go back to trying to rap with a
big clock on."
Next up!: an attack on the economics of the old school logo, and how, what with the economic downturn around the corner, Adidas should abandon the old school logo all together due to its stagnant earning reports as a division, limited appeal, and general out-datedness.
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