Sunday, May 25, 2008

i concur

Rising fuel costs? Charges for checked bags? Flight attendants wearing khakis and polo shirts instead of stewardesses wearing tops and belts and go-go boots? You are right, old school. I concur, and concede this week - things were better before.

Should I include a neat non sequitur youtube clip, or is this posting satisfactory as-is?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Old School Opinion: Airline Services Peaked in 1974

In 1974 the Airline of America peaked in their services as a complete experience. Never before and never again will the vast majority of the air traveling public move through the sky's with such a fantastic combination of grace, speed, and style.

In 1974 you knew you were in good hands when you saw the flight crew walking down the concourse. Not only was their swagger a contagious affirmation of the fact you were about to join the sexiest swinging club in the land, if only for an hour, but the skill in which they glided through the world let you truly relax and enjoy the beauty of air travel.
In 1974, a job in the service side of the airline was considered glamorous and exciting, attracting the skilled and graceful. Now it seems we have cranky old ladies, mad that they have spent their entire adult lives hurtling through the air to go to Omaha.

In the 1970's the 747, that purveyor of the world to the young, sexy, able had just come into broad use by the airlines. This double decked beauty allowed the world to find each other while still having time for a martini in the lounge. It was a sign of class and grace while still bringing hundreds of people at a time to the corners of the earth.

This is where the airlines of the 70's truly shined. With gogo boots and short skirts, stewardesses were the sex symbols of their time. What better way to pass eight hours in the air then starring at these flying hotties. Who wouldn't feel like everything was going to be just fine with such fine fashion surrounding you? Perhaps if the airlines wen back to these cutting edge styles, instead of the conservative business can't be bothered look that we find today, there would not be quite so many problems in the airport?